Up Your Game kkAda Lovers! kkAda delivers a whole new way to enjoy grilled oven Salmon, or on the barbe! Caramel flavored Salmon is "scrumptuous" and a new way to enjoy Salmon, Steelhead, and many other varieties of fish. Try glazing your fish with kkAda, you won't be sorry!
Prepare fish on the grill, skin down or on an aluminum foil sheet. Glaze the fish with a small amount of kkAda using a silicon brush. Add slices of butter spread out over the fish. Sprinkle with dill, top with slices of onion, and sliced lemon. Bake or barbecue at 400 degrees for 20-25 min. In the last 5 minutes, reglaze with kkAda. Enjoy!
Fish - Silicon Brush - kkAda Caramel Liqueur